In the initial period of the Company activity, the main scope of operation was to maintain continuous production.
Through the years of operation, the machinery park was expanded, a number of certificates were obtained and, above all, the competences of the staff were extended. As a result of Company activity diversification, the main areas of operation have been determined: maintenance services in continuous production and implementation of projects for offshore, automotive and machine industries.
Regardless of the determined areas of operation, the Company implements individual projects for other sectors of industry by prefabricating, repairing and assembling all kinds of industrial and construction structures made of carbon and alloy steel. We have specialized machines also for large-size machining. The completeness of provided services is ensured by a modern shot-blasting cabin and painting shop. Our welders are highly qualified employees with many years of professional experience. We have a wide range of certificates.
We undertake the production and assembly of steel structures and we maintain the highest quality of provided services, by involving an experienced group of engineers and assembly workers with high qualifications and appropriate knowledge.

Our ongoing development makes us capable of undertaking individual fabrication, repair or installation projects from other industrial sectors.